A very rare follis of Gregorios Taronites, Duke of Trebizond
Los 3407
Gregorios Taronites, Duke of Trebizond, 1103-1106. Follis (Bronze, 24 mm, 6.64 g, 12 h). Nimbate bust of Christ facing, wearing tunic and pallium, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left; in fields, IC - XC. Rev. A-Λ/ Β-P Cross potent on two steps. DOC -. SB -. S. Bendall: The mint of Trebizond under Alexius I and the Gabrades, in: NC 137 (1977), pl. 7, issue 19. Very rare. Thick deposits, otherwise, about very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Gregorios Taronites was a member of the influential Armenian Taronitai family, who was granted the governorship over Trebizond by Alexius I after military successes against the Seljuks. Upon arrival, he almost immediately rebelled, however, and while the emperor sought a diplomatic solution, Taronites went so far as to publicly insult the imperial family. After some time, he was captured by imperial troops and humiliated by having his hair and beard shaved off and being paraded through the streets of Constantinople, although he was eventually pardoned for his crimes
50 CHF
800 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 28-Feb-22, 16:45:00 CET
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